International Leak Detection (ILD)
‘What if the green roof leaks'?
ILD can test the membrane before the greenroof is installed,
ILD can test the membrane after the greenroof is installed,
ILD can find leaks in existing membranes Without removing the greenroof, paved areas, asphalt and other overburden.
Using the Electric Field Vector Mapping (EFVM) technique, ILD is recognised worldwide by membrane manufacturers, applicators, architects and property owners as the most trustworthy supplier of Independent Membrane Quality Assurance services.
Make sure ILD's EFVM is specified on your project!
Remember, ‘What if your green roof leaks'?
BEAT THE RAINS - When was the last time you had your roof checked or tested?
Waterproofing membrane defects can occur at anytime during or after an installation.
Mechanical damage, workmanship defects, material defects, design faults, weather related issues or even membrane deterioration are just a few areas that could cause issues.
International Leak Detection (ILD®) is your Independent Quality Assurance testing and troubleshooting authority for waterproofing membrane defects and is the source of your peace-of-mind.
Our technology combined with our knowledge and experience, provides pinpoint accurate detection of waterproofing defects and breaches, on green roofs, green walls, balconies, terraces, ponds, carparks and planter boxes etc.
Let ILD® test and provide a comprehensive written report on your waterproofing membrane condition.
Don’t wait till it’s too late and costing you tens of thousands of dollars in repair costs.
Let ILD® test and provide a comprehensive written report on your waterproofing membrane condition.
Don’t wait till it’s too late and costing you tens of thousands of dollars in repair costs.
Can you afford to wait? Call ILD® 1300 453 453